Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Writing Experiences

Writing and English in general has always been my worst subject in school by far. I am very much a math/science and technology person and because of this I have always struggled in English. Freshman year I did not have a very good vocabulary and I struggled with grammar and sentence structure as compared to now so my papers always suffered. Now, however, my biggest issue with papers is having a set length to reach (like 3 pages) because it makes me want to put unnecessary sentences in to make the paper longer. For me, the most difficult part of writing is knowing when how much information/support is too much. When I create a body paragraph I want to put as much information in it as I can, but when it is finished I realize that there is a lot of unneeded support and it does not flow very well. This year I hope to improve even more on my issues with writing so I learn not to hate it as much as I do now.

Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very;" your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

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